Xylem Inc. is one of the leading providers of water solutions world wide and involved in the full water-process cycle, including collection, distribution and returning of water to the environment. It reports business operations under three segments: Water Infrastructure, Measurement & Control Solutions and Applied Water. Water Infrastructure unit offers product range mainly used for transportation, treatment and testing of water. This unit includes two applications: Transport and Treatment and markets under brands like Flygt, Godwin, Leopold, WEDECO and Sanitaire. Applied Water segment offers various products that deal with the use of water. Brands like Goulds Water Technology, Lowara, Bell & Gossett, A-C Fire Pump, Standard, Jabsco, and Flojet form parts of this segment. Measurement & Control Solutions segment includes consolidated results of Xylem's Analytics, Sensus and Visenti businesses. These products have a wide range of applications that include Water, Energy, Test and Software as a Service/Other.
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Matthew F. Pine
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