ExxonMobil's bellwether status in the energy space, optimal integrated capital structure that has historically produced industry-leading returns and management's track record of capex discipline across the commodity price cycle make it a relatively lower-risk energy sector play. The company owns some of the most prolific upstream assets globally. Other aspects of the company's story include the largest global refining operations, substantial chemicals assets and a dividend history and credit profile that are second to none in the space. ExxonMobil's capital spending discipline is quite aggressive. The company has a plan in place to allocate significant proportion of its budget to key oil and gas projects. The company's business perspective looks different from most peers since big oil rivals have pledged to lower carbon emissions to tackle climate change. ExxonMobil divides its operations into three main segments: Upstream, Downstream and Chemical.
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Darren W. Woods
22777 Springwoods Village Parkway Spring, TX 77389, UNITED STATES
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