Verizon Communications Inc. offers communication services in the form of local phone service, long distance, wireless and data services. In Jan 2006, Verizon completed its merger with MCI Corporation, a leader in long distance and data networking. With the acquisition of Alltel Wireless Corp. in early 2009, Verizon has surpassed AT&T Inc. as the largest wireless carrier in the North America, serving millions of customers nationwide.Verizon has teamed up with Amazon Web Services to create and deploy low latency applications to mobile devices using 5G and became the first telecom carrier in the world to offer such service. The company has launched a free consumer search engine dubbed OneSearch with enhanced privacy options to add a new dimension to the search ecosystem. It has also announced a pricing breakthrough in the cable industry with the launch of Mix & Match on its FiOS platform, enabling viewers to combine TV with Internet plans effectively without any hidden charges and annual contracts.
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Hans E. Vestberg
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