UFP Industries, Inc. is a holding company with its subsidiaries throughout N. America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The company supplies wood, wood composite and other products in retail, industrial, and construction market. The company classifies its top-line results based on its end markets. A brief snapshot of the end market sales has been provided as follows. UFP Retail includes Do-It-Yourself retailers, and distributors, pro-dealers and other retail customers. UFP Industrial consists of packaging, crating and other products for manufacturers. UFP Construction comprises Residential Construction, Commercial Construction and Concrete Forming and Manufactured Housing sales. Residential Construction includes builders of single and multifamily homes. Commercial Construction and Concrete Forming includes non-residential construction and concrete forming. Manufactured Housing includes manufactured housing and recreational vehicles business.
Info & Links
Matthew J. Missad
2801 East Beltline, N.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49525, UNITED STATES
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