Sensient Technologies Corporation is a leading global manufacturer and marketer of colors, flavors and fragrances. Sensient employ advanced technologies to develop specialty food and beverage systems, cosmetic ingredients, pharmaceutical excipients, inkjet and specialty inks and colors, and other specialty and fine chemicals. Sensient uses advanced proprietary technologies to produce a broad range of innovative products. Sensient is a global developer, manufacturer and supplier of flavor and fragrance systems for the food, beverage, personal care and household-products industries. Sensient is a developer, manufacturer and supplier of colors for businesses worldwide. Sensient provides natural and synthetic color systems for use in foods, beverages and pharmaceuticals; colors and other ingredients for cosmetics, such as active ingredients, solubilizers and surface treated pigments; pharmaceutical excipients, such as colors, flavors and coatings; specialty inks; and technical colors for industrial applications.
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Paul Manning
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