RPM International Inc., manufacture and market high-performance coatings, sealants and specialty chemicals, primarily for maintenance and improvement applications. RPM has four reportable segments - Construction products and services segment include construction sealants and adhesives; coatings and chemicals; roofing systems; concrete admixture and repair products; building envelope solutions; insulated cladding; flooring systems as well as weatherproofing solutions. Performance Coatings Group offers high-performance flooring solutions, corrosion control and fireproofing coatings, infrastructure repair systems, fiberglass reinforced plastic gratings as well as drainage systems. Consumer products include specialty, hobby, professional paints, nail enamels, caulks, adhesives, silicone sealants and wood stains. Specialty Products offers industrial cleaners, restoration services equipment, colorants, nail enamels, exterior finishes, edible coatings and specialty glazes.
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Frank C. Sullivan
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