Rockwell Automation provides industrial automation and information solutions worldwide. The company has a wide network spanning globally. Its brands include Rockwell Automation, Allen-Bradley and Rockwell Software. Rockwell Automation reports results based on three operating segments: Intelligent Devices, Software & Control, and Lifecycle Services. Major markets served by the company consist of discrete end markets. Hybrid end markets including Food & Beverage, Life Sciences and Household and Personal Care, among others. Process end markets such as Oil & Gas, Metals, Chemicals, Pulp & Paper, to name a few. Intelligent Devices segment includes drives, motion, safety, sensing, industrial components. Software & Control includes control and visualization software and hardware, information software, and network and security infrastructure. Lifecycle Services includes consulting, professional services and solutions, connected services, and maintenance services, and the Sensia joint venture.
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Blake D. Moret
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