Medtronic, Inc. acquired Ireland-based Covidien plc. The acquisition resulted in the formation of a new holding company incorporated in Ireland - Medtronic plc. The company currently generates revenues from four major segments - namely Cardiovascular Portfolio, Medical Surgical Portfolio, Neuroscience Portfolio and Diabetes. The Cardiovascular Portfolio, formerly reported as the Cardiac and Vascular Group, includes the Cardiac Rhythm & Heart Failure, Structural Heart & Aortic and Coronary & Peripheral Vascular divisions. The Medical Surgical Portfolio, formerly reported as the Minimally Invasive Therapies Group, includes the Surgical Innovations and the Respiratory, Gastrointestinal & Renal divisions. Neuroscience consists of Cranial & Spinal Technologies, Specialty The Neuroscience Portfolio, formerly reported as the Restorative Therapies Group, includes the Cranial & Spinal Technologies, Specialty Therapies, and Neuromodulation divisions.
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Geoffrey S. Martha
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