Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. is a premier provider of hydraulic fracturing and other auxiliary services to onshore exploration and production (E&P) companies in N. America. Hydraulic fracturing is a method used to extract oil and natural gas. Liberty acquired oilfield services giant Schlumberger's onshore hydraulic fracturing business in the U.S. and Canada, known as OneStim. It operates in the Permian Basin, the Eagle Ford Shale, the Denver-Julesburg Basin, the Williston Basin, the San Juan Basin, the Powder River Basin, the Haynesville Shale, the Oklahoma Scoop and Stack areas, the Marcellus Shale, Utica Shale, and the Western Canadian Sedimentary BasinsIt offers a wide spectrum of specialized, complementary services and equipment for exploration and production of oil and natural gas. Liberty also holds numerous patents. The other vital aspect of the company's strategy is the development of next-generation frac fleets compliant with the environmental, social, and governance issues of field operations.
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Ron Gusek
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