Kronos Worldwide, Inc. is a leading producer and marketer of TiO2, a white pigment for providing whiteness, brightness and opacity. TiO2 is a key component of applications such as coatings, plastics and paper, inks, food and cosmetics and is the biggest commercially used whitening pigment. The company provides its customers a vast portfolio of products that include more than 40 different TiO2 pigment grades that offer a number of performance properties to address customers' specific needs. Its major customers include domestic and international paint, plastics, decorative laminate and paper makers. For coatings, TiO2 is used in industrial coatings and coatings for commercial and residential interiors and exteriors, automobiles, aircraft, machines, appliances and traffic paint. The company's TiO2 is also used in the production of several types of paper including laminate paper and filled paper. Kronos along with its distributors and agents market and provide technical services for its products.
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James M. Buch
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