IPG Photonics Corp develops and manufactures fiber & diode lasers, fiber amplifiers and transceivers that are used for diverse applications, like materials processing, advanced applications, communications and medical. IPG Photonics' laser products include low (1 to 99 watts), medium (100 to 999 watts) and high (1,000 watts and above) output power lasers from 0.3 to 4.5 microns in wavelength. These lasers may be continuous wave (CW), quasi-continuous wave (QCW) or pulsed. The company's pulsed line includes nanosecond, picosecond and femtosecond lasers. The company offers several different types of lasers according to the type of gain medium they use. These are ytterbium, erbium and thulium, as well as Raman and hybrid fiber-crystal lasers. IPG Photonics' amplifier products range from milliwatts to up to 1,500 watts of output power from 1 to 2 microns in wavelength.
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Mark M. Gitin
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