Imperial Oil Ltd is mainly engaged in the oil & gas production, petroleum products refining and marketing and chemical business. It is Canada's largest jet fuel supplier & a major producer of asphalt. It primarily operates under three segments: Upstream, Downstream and Chemical. The upstream unit is involved in the exploration and production of crude and synthetic oil, bitumen and natural gas. Imperial Oil primarily focuses on three main assets in Alberta - the Syncrude oil sands joint venture with Suncor Energy, the Aspen, & the Kearl oil sands projects. It's upstream assets have a proved reserve life of nearly 30 years. The downstream segment deals with the refining of crude oil along with distribution and marketing of refined products. The unit is engaged with the selling of petroleum products under the Esso & Mobil brands with 1,800 retail sites. The Chemical segment is concerned with the manufacture and marketing of various petrochemicals including plasticizers, polyethylene resins, benzene among others.
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Bradley W. Corson
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