Humana Inc. is a health care plan provider in the United States. The company provides health insurance benefits under Health Maintenance Organization, Private Fee-For-Service and Preferred Provider Organization plans. The company also provides other benefits with specialty products including dental, vision, and other supplementary benefits. Humana's medical and specialty insurance products allow members to access health care services primarily through its networks of health care providers. The company manages its business through the following segments: The Retail segment consists of Medicare benefits, which are marketed on a retail basis to individuals. The Group and Specialty segment comprises employer group commercial fully-insured medical and specialty health insurance benefits. The Healthcare Services - The segment consists of services offered to the company's health plan members as well as to third parties, including pharmacy solutions, provider services, home-based services and clinical programs.
Info & Links
Bruce D. Broussard
500 West Main Street LOUISVILLE, KY 40202, UNITED STATES
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