EQT Corporation is primarily an explorer and producer of natural gas, with primary focus on the Appalachian Basin in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The basin has been a major contributor to natural gas production growth in the United States. Notably, in terms of average daily sales volumes, EQT Corp is the largest natural gas producer in the domestic market. The upstream energy payer's operations in the basin spreads across millions of acres, with proved oil and gas reserve. Importantly, the company's core resources in the Appalachian Basin comprises huge inventory of drilling locations. The company has decided to spud wells in the Marcellus shale play in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio that is likely to back the company's incremental production volumes in the years to come. EQT Corp has set its strategic priorities to lower operating costs while maximizing production volumes. It is to be noted that EQT Corp is the only company in the Appalachian Basin that is considered investment grade.
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Toby Z. Rice
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