CNO Financial Group Inc., being a top-tier holding company for a group of insurance companies in the U.S., develops, administers & markets supplemental health insurance, annuity, individual life insurance and other insurance products. It distributes products through 3 distribution channels: career agents, professional independent producers and direct marketing. The company presently reports under two units, namely Consumer and Worksite. The Consumer unit includes consumer engagement over the phone besides online and face-to-face interaction with agents or via a combination of sales channels. This unit gains traction from agent sales force and leading direct-to-consumer business with experience in advertising, web/digital and call center support. The Worksite unit focuses on worksite and group sales for businesses, associations and other membership groups, communicating with customers at their workplace. The unit allows the company to gain traction from the recent buyout of Web Benefits Design Corporation.
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Gary C. Bhojwani
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