CNA Financial Corporation is operating as a P&C insurer. CCNA's property and casualty and remaining life and group insurance operations are conducted by Continental Casualty Company, The Continental Insurance Company, Western Surety Company, CNA Insurance Company Ltd and Hardy Underwriting Bermuda Ltd and its subsidiaries. Loews Corporation is the parent company, of CNA Financial. CNA Financial is operatesting through 3 core and 2 non-core segments. Core segments are Specialty, Commercial and International. The non-core segments are Life & Group and Corporate & Other. Specialty segment offers management and professional liability and other coverage through P&C products & services. Commercial segment has tied up with an independent agency distribution system and a network of brokers to market P&C insurance products and services, serving small, middle-market and large businesses and organizations. International - This segment offers P&C insurance, and specialty coverage on a global basis.
Info & Links
Douglas M. Worman
151 North Franklin Street CHICAGO, IL 60606, UNITED STATES
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