ChromaDex Corporation and its subsidiaries supply phytochemical reference standards and reference materials, related contract services, and products for the dietary supplement, nutraceutical, food and beverage, functional food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic markets. ChromaDex's core business strategy is to use the intellectual property harnessed by its expertise in the area of natural products and in the creation of reference materials to the industry as the basis for providing new and alternative, `green`, mass marketable products to its customers. The Company's main priority is to create industry-accepted information, and to provide products and services to every layer of the functional food, pharmaceutical, personal care and dietary supplement markets. The company markets and sells its products in the United States and Canada. It offers its products through distributors in Europe, South America, Korea, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Mexico.
Info & Links
Robert Fried
10900 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90024, UNITED STATES
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