Credit Acceptance Corporation being a credit services company, operates through one segment, primarily focusing on offering financing programs, and related products and services to automobile dealers in the U.S. enabling them to sell vehicles to consumers irrespective of their credit history. Credit Acceptance offers financing programs through a country-wide network of automobile dealers. Credit Acceptance has two loan programs. Under the Portfolio Program, the company gives money to dealers (called Dealer Loans) in exchange for the right to service the underlying Consumer Loan. Under the Purchase Program, the company buys Consumer Loans from the dealers (called Purchased Loan) and keeps all the money collected from the consumer. Further, Credit Acceptance through its wholly-owned subsidiary, VSC Re Company, is engaged in the business of reinsuring coverage under vehicle service contracts sold to consumers by dealers on vehicles financed by the company.
Info & Links
Kenneth S. Booth
25505 W. Twelve Mile Road Southfield, MI 48034, UNITED STATES
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