BCE Inc. is a communications service provider and is the holding company for Bell Canada. The company provides local and long-distance phone services. Bell Canada operates the company's wireline and wireless businesses, Bell Media as well as the satellite TV operation, known as ExpressVu. The company provides wireless service, data communications, telephone, high-speed Internet, direct-to-home satellite television and Voice over Internet Protocol services. Bell Canada also offers integrated information and communications technology services to businesses and governments and is the virtual chief information officer to small and medium businesses. BCE reports operating results in three segments - Bell Wireline, Bell Wireless and Bell Media. Bell Wireline - Provides telephone, data, video and other communications services. Bell Wireless Offers wireless voice and data communications products and services. Bell Media Offers a package of mobile content featuring the news, entertainment and sports programming.
Info & Links
Mirko Bibic
1, carrefour Alexander-Graham-Bell, Building A, 7th Floor VERDUN, A8 H3E 3B3, CANADA
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