Amcor, Plc is a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home and personal care, and other products. Through its flexible and rigid packaging, specialty cartons and closures, it helps leading companies in protecting their products and differentiating their brands. Amcor offers a combination of scale, geographic reach and capabilities that is unique in the packaging industry. Its global footprint is well balanced across developed markets (primarily N. America and W. Europe) as well as emerging markets (including China, India and the rest of Asia, as well as E. Europe and Latin America). Amcor is becoming more focused on making packaging that light-weight, recyclable and reusable. Amcor reports in 2 reportable segments. Flexibles is one of the world's largest suppliers of plastic, aluminum and fiber based flexible packaging. Rigid Packaging comprises operations that manufacture rigid packaging containers and related products.
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Peter Konieczny
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