ADDUS HOMECARE is a comprehensive provider of a broad range of social and medical services in the home. The company's services include personal care and assistance with activities of daily living, skilled nursing and rehabilitative therapies, and adult day care. Its consumers are individuals with special needs who are at risk of hospitalization or institutionalization, such as the elderly, chronically ill and disabled. Its payor clients include federal, state and local governmental agencies, the Veterans Health Administration, commercial insurers and private individuals. Addus operates its business through two divisions, home & community services and home health services. The home & community services are social, or non-medical, in nature and include assistance with bathing, grooming, dressing, personal hygiene and medication reminders, and other activities of daily living whereas the home health services are medical in nature and include physical, occupational and speech therapy, as well as skilled nursing.
Info & Links
R. Dirk Allison
6303 Cowboys Way, Suite 600 FRISCO, TX 75034, UNITED STATES
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